Inspect Me

InspectMe is a transformative Unity plugin, engineered to elevate the debugging and inspection processes for Unity developers to unprecedented levels. This potent tool refines your interactions with game objects and scripts, offering profound insights into the mechanics of your Unity projects.

With InspectMe, your journey through Unity development becomes not just manageable but enjoyable. It's an invitation to not only enhance your projects but also to join a movement towards intuitive and accessible game development.

InspectMe continuously evolves, and we value your input for its growth. Head to our Discord or Reddit, or reach out through our support link, and let us know what features you'd like to see in future updates. Your suggestions shape InspectMe's journey!

In addition to its innovative features, InspectMe incorporates third-party assets such as the Fira Mono font, and icons from Iconmonstr and to enhance its functionality and user interface design. All third-party assets are used in compliance with their respective licenses. For detailed information on asset sources and licensing, please refer to the 'Third-Party Notices.txt' file included in the package.