UniState Mobile

Secure all your game data today!
UniState offers save & load security with reliable tamper protection. If you aren't already using it - why not?

- Mobile version is specificially geared towards mobile developments. If you're targeting PC/Mac OSX please check our Standard and Professional versions
- Full AOT compatibility for iOS based projects
- Save & Load data securely.
- Data is encrypted in memory.
- UniState tamper proof system protects against modified / hacked save game files.
- UniState and UniState Mobile requires no more than the .Net 2.0 subset
- Version 2.0 is certified and tested working on iOS 4.x-7.x, Android 4.x+, PC and Mac OSX
- Excellent performance and easy to integrate into code.
- Free upgrades and bug fixes for the life of the product.

Support: info@univerbstudios.co.za