MultiTPS - Multiplayer Game Project

You can experience the entire MultiTPS package in your browser here

MTPSKit is multiplayer shooter template that You can build your project upon. It has all the necessary features that multiplayer shooter needs.

1. Weapons

MultiTPS comes with 8 varied weapons: Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, SMG, SniperRifle, Minigun, Grenade, Melee weapon

2. Example maps

MultiTPS includes 3 example maps with their specific game modes.

3. Gamemodes

MultiTPS comes with 2 gamemodes

• Deathmatch

• TeamDeathmatch

4. Server List

Server List: MultiTPS can be set up to work with the included server list system. Players can create a lobby using a simple form, and that lobby will be visible to others in the server list.

5. Scoreboard

Scoreboard shows other players, their stats and latency

6. Bots

Host can make the game spawn bots in place of empty slots. They will join different teams and navigate around the map to take down players/bots from the enemy team. They can spawn with random weapons. They can use every weapon a regular player can. They can change weapons during combat. When real player connects during the game, one of the spawned bots will "disconnect" to make room for the connected player.

7. Player controller

Player can walk, run, jump and crouch. Character model has unique animations for each weapon.

Detailed Killfeed

The killfeed shows who killed who and with which weapon. It also features special icons if a player was killed by a headshot, or died from fall damage.


Ragdolls are synchronized across all clients. Everyone will see exactly the same pose on a dead body. Ragdoll behavior on death will depend on the type of weapon used to kill and on the movement of the victim.

Key features:

  • Room creator panel which lets you adjust your game before hosting
  • Fully animated and synchronized player controller
  • 8 weapons: Rifle, pistol, shotgun, granades, melee item, minigun, smg, sniper rifle
  • Inventory UI
  • Picking up and droping items
  • Bots
  • 3 Maps
  • 2 Gamemodes: Deathmatch and TeamDeathmatch
  • Killfeed with item icons
  • Scoreboard
  • Chat
  • Object pooling for sparks created by bullet hits
  • Ragdoll synchronization
  • Simple settings panel for changing audio volume and mouse sensitivity
  • Pickable first aid kit
  • Pickable granades
  • ServerList - Rest API that will serve server list and boot multifps when player creates lobby from game client

If you have any questions feel free to get in touch
